How to manage career change successfully?

Dec 02, 2020
10:03 pm

Table of Contents

The combined feeling of fear and excitement of walking through an unfamiliar territory and the drive to succeed & excel gets the pulse racing. And that is in fact positive energy. But how you act and deal with  the situation makes a big difference.

Here is your list of 10 tips to deal with this situation:

1. Accept the change : This might sound like a no-brainer but many of us get stuck with the situation or the comfort zone that we were previously operating in. Be the role, position, office , company, manager, team etc. Internalise the change, create the awareness and allow the brain, mind and body to support you deal with the new situation successfully.

2. Write a list of  “Things to DO” : Have you noticed that you breathe easy as soon as you put pencil on paper and start writing about a situation that you faced?. Create a list of the things that you need to DO in the near future , having accepted this change in your role. Jot down anything and everything that comes to your mind. Don’t be judgemental of the points. You can always strike off the points later. You must have noticed that I highlighted “DO” couple of times. Action per se is an antidote to stress.

3. Meet people: Meet the new team members. Meet your new manager. Make new contacts. If you’re in a new office meet the receptionist and the administrative staff. The point is – when you meet and converse you get new perspectives and new learning about the new role that would get you started in the right direction.

4. Notice the positive: In the melee of moving in, taking over and starting to execute you might miss some of  the  positives in the new role. The potential benefits of this role change. New learning that could round off your experience. Exposure to new customers and markets. Irrespective of the fact whether it is long or short, notice it early. And more importantly acknowledge it. Makes you feel stronger during the transition period.

5. Write a short term goal: A 30 or a 60 day, short term goal statement could be a useful tool in keeping your focus. Especially, in a new environment time loses its value since there could be too many new distractions. And before you know couple of months could have passed by. And record your achievements at the end of the milestone. Nothing succeeds like early success. That sets the tone for the rest of the year.

6. Back yourself: Be aware of the fact that not everything that you attempt would be as per your expectation in terms of outcomes. Be patient with yourself. Give it time. Be conscious there could be a steep learning curve on some aspects of your new role in terms of skills. Bottom line – back yourself. Nobody else could be a better cheer leader for you.

7. Ask questions: The “Five Ws” (and one H) were memorialized by Rudyard Kipling in his poem accompanying the tale of “The Elephant’s Child”:

I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.

From where the term “Kipling’s problem solving method” derived it’s name. Wear the cap of an “investigative journalist” and ask these productive questions. Don’t rest until you get to know the “full story”.

8. Take control:  When you look back, you would realize that you have been through changes before and you have come out successful. Dip into that confidence. Think about the actions you took. Repeat those specific actions that worked for you. Once you start to gain the grip of what levers to push to make progress, take full control.

9. Sign up for a coach: These are situations where you can seek out, short list and sign up for a professional coach. Its always great to have a partner who would traverse the journey along with you and help you reach your stated goals.

10. Take stock frequently: here are few questions to ask –

  • Awareness – what did i notice in the past 30 days?
  • Desire – I’ve made the personal decision to participate in this change. After 30 days what is my desire level?
  • Knowledge – What did I learn ?
  • Ability – What are the skills and behaviours I’m demonstrating to be successful here?
  • Reinforcement – What are the factors that  I believe are in place which will make me succeed.?

Good luck!

Woof! Woof!


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